Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Insightful Talk Radio

To be honest this article is partly to promote my new Talk Radio shows, but it is also in regards to where you are at in your Life.

All of your current situations, resources, relationships, circumstances, opportunities, and blessings are coming into your Life due to your level of understanding or awareness prior to this moment. That means all that is going on around you has come about by how you perceive Life and the level of empowerment that you feel within your Self.

Realize that if you consciously choose to do so, you have the ability to shift any area of your Life, if you so desire. But… even if you decided in this moment that it was time to start changing your Life would you kNow how?

That is why I am introducing my “Ilumine Ao Talk Radio” shows so that they will guide you to raise your level of awareness and for you to remember who you are and what you are.

We all have the power or the ability from within to consciously create the lives that we desire and require. The reason some seem to do it even more effortlessly is because of their level of understanding or awareness.

As you empower your Self by raising your level of awareness all of your upcoming situations, resources, relationships, circumstances, opportunities, and blessings consciously come to pass and are actually what you desire and require in your Life.

I have been through the opportunities that are cleverly disguised as challenges, difficulties, problems, obstacles, and hurdles, wondering what do next or why do they keep happening to me?

My Life started to change as I BEcame more aware and the momentum of change accelerated as my awareness grew. So that is my point: you must DO something to BEcome more aware in order to change your Life for your best and highest good, otherwise it remains all the same…

If you are ready for the guidance that is there for you to have and all for free, go to the following link and see the schedule of upcoming shows and have a listen so that it may take you to the next level.

Here it is:

If your ready...

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at

Friday, July 25, 2008

Do you have the time to BE inspired?

It was just announced that Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist whose "last lecture" about facing terminal cancer became an Internet sensation and a best-selling book, died Friday. He was 47.

Here is a quote from him that shows how he thought:

"We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully"

That quote itself is inspiring, but if you desire to BE even more inspired click on the following link and watch the video called "Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams".

Here it is:

The video is just over an hour long and worth every minute, it will inspire you and may lead you to open up to other possibilities in your Life.

So the questions is... Do you have the time?

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I was going through some previous e-mails and I came across one that was from my friend Joe Vitale and the subject matter was on money, plus a sales pitch for one of his programs. I am providing you the link so that you can read and listen to the powerful insights he has in regards to money.

I was blessed to have Joe Vitale do the Foreword for my first book "The Titus Concept Money For My Best and Highest Good", and together what you can get from that book and from Joe will definitely guide you through this economy and your current financial situation.

Here is the link:

Listen to the audio and read the page, and then at the very least get my book "The Titus Concept Money For My Best and Highest Good" or join his program, even do both! I do not get any funds for joining his program, this is all coming from my Heart.

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Life force that is within and all around us...

Here is a video by Jill Bolte Taylor who had an amazing experience that provided her the ability to connect to the Life force that is within us and the Universe.

Yes, there is more to Life... It is our choice to BE more aware.

Here is the link:

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at

Friday, July 18, 2008

The innate power or ability we all have...

First let me tell you that the following article by John Randolph Price is a little bit long, but it is worth the read. He provides powerful insights regarding the innate power that we all have and how the Universe functions. Read the article and keep what resonates and discard the rest.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Between 2500 and 1500 B.C. (the dates vary), Hermes Trismegistus, the "scribe of the gods," came on the world stage to tell about the Spirit of the Divine within. In his writings, he implores humanity to "rise from your sleep of ignorance" and to find the Light. He tells us that we have the power to partake of immortality when we change our minds, and he gave us the Seven Hermetic Principles as the way to mastery. They are as follows:

1. The Principle of Mentalism: There is but one Mind, one Power, all Divine. We use the same mind and power in our individual worlds that the All did in creating the universe.
2. The Principle of Correspondence: As above, so below. This shows us that there is a correspondence or analogy existing between things spiritual and things physical -- the same laws operate in each realm. This is truly the secret of manifestation.
3. The Principle of Vibration: In each energy field, there is a vibration of either attraction or repulsion based on the trend of thoughts. These thoughts are both conscious and unconscious, and on each level, creative action is taking place.
4. The Principle of Polarity: Polarity is to think and feel in a certain direction, to bring our thoughts in tune with Infinite Mind, which forms a path for the flow of the divine energy. It is living life according to our highest truth.
5. The Principle of Rhythm: Life is like a pendulum, a swinging back and forth. When we understand this principle, we polarize ourselves at the point of optimum living, thus neutralizing the ups and downs of life.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law. Chance is but a name for the Law not recognized. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
7. The Principle of Gender: Each individual is both male and female, mind and feelings, objective and subjective, the I and the Me. What the mind impresses on the feeling nature is manifest in the phenomenal world.

In 1335 B.C., Moses brought his esoteric teachings from Egypt in the Exodus. According to Manly P. Hall, "Moses was an accredited representative of the secret schools, laboring -- as many other emissaries have labored -- to instruct primitive races in the mysteries of their immortal souls.... The word Moses, when understood in its esoteric Egyptian sense, means one who has been admitted into the Mystery Schools of Wisdom and has gone forth to teach the ignorant concerning the will of the gods and the mysteries of life, as these mysteries were explained within the temples of Isis, Osiris, and Serapis."

Zoroaster appeared in 628 B.C., to be known as the Persian prophet who taught the truth of the one and only God, a Supreme Being of Good Thought, Beauty, Holiness, Righteousness, Perfect Health, Dominion, and Immortality. Zoroaster believed in the oneness of God and individual being, and that prayers were the "speaking of friend to friend."

Lao-tzu incarnated in 604 B.C., later to found the Taoist religion in China, with its emphasis on living in harmony with the great Universal Impersonal Power. He taught that Heaven, Earth, and man/woman were all created to be in harmony with one another, but we lost our way and miscreated a world of disharmony.

We move on now to about 600 B.C., when Pythagoras -- a Mason, and also considered to be the world's first philosopher - was born. He founded a Mystery School at Crotona in Southern Italy, and his teachings reveal another important thread in the Golden Cord of the Perennial Philosophy, an ancient truth carried forward to this day. Pythagoras taught that God, or Supreme Mind, was the Cause of all things, and since God was all Truth, then the effect of this Cause must be Truth, or Spiritual Reality -- when the individual was in harmony with Cause. He believed that we needn't ask for anything because the Intelligent Power of God was eternally providing all things necessary. Thus, the "secret" of prayer was to be in tune with Infinite Mind.

In 563 B.C., Siddhartha Gautama came forth to become Buddha, the Enlightened one. He believed in universal good will expressed from a heart of love "that knows no anger, that knows no ill will." Gautama understood that lack, limitation, disease, and death are but illusions, not created by God, therefore not real. His Eightfold Path to freedom encompassed right belief, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right thought, and right meditation. As a true New Thought statement, he said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure heart, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

In 427 B.C., the Greek philosopher Plato entered the Earth plane. At the age of 49, he was initiated into the Greater Mysteries, the initiation taking place in the Great Pyramid of Egypt. In 397 B.C., he opened a school called the Academy, which became the first university in the history of Europe. Plato put great emphasis on the Ideal Life as a goal toward which people should work. This "Ideal" means that every individual is worthy of a royal life of beauty and nobility -- that nothing is impossible to "Gods in Expression." He also introduced the Christos: the immortal Self endowed with all the qualities of Deity.

Then we had the Master Jesus, an Essene. He was introduced to us in the New Testament, and his statements of Truth continue to shine through the pages. However, as a whole, these books of the Bible, which weren't finalized until nearly A.D. 400, must be interpreted esoterically. As we shall see, they've been rewritten numerous times to prove the church's point of view; yet secretly, enlightened ones have contributed their part and have provided coded instructions reflecting the teachings and philosophy of the earlier Masters. Jesus, the Master of the Law of Love, is shown to be the representative of everyone, our brother in the universal family of God, a Model for our completeness -- spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

We're told that we are the light of the world, that we must be perfect as a fact of life, that we are to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons because all things are possible. This is true, for the kingdom of God is in the midst of you. Ye are gods and the Spirit of truth dwells with you, in you. You yourself are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, for you have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God. Christ in you, the hope of glory. You are of God.

In the Pistis Sophia Treatise of the Gnostics, Jesus takes it even further: "Do ye still not know and are ye ignorant? Know ye not and do ye not understand that ye are all Angels, all Archangels, Gods, and Lords, all Rulers, all the great Invisibles, all those of the Midst, those of every region of them that are on the Right, all the Great Ones of the emanations of the Light with all their glory . . . "

The truth was clearly expressed, and with this remembering in minds and hearts, the powers were again released. In the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon reports that during the first century, the lame walked, the blind saw, the sick were healed, the dead were raised, and the laws of nature were frequently suspended.

But it all changed. In A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, attacked independent thinking and all teachings relating to the oneness of God and man. Believing that a spiritual consciousness and a personal union with God would undermine the authority of the priests, he directed his wrath upon Gnosticism. First he issued his Five Books Against Heresies, followed by a list of acceptable writings -- choosing only those words that supported his demand for a fixed dogma. The shift in mind-direction from within to without had begun, and the innate power of the individual was gradually given to an outer structure and a lower authority.

When emperor Theodosius made Christianity the sole and official religion of the state in A.D. 395, the Institution assumed complete control over individual minds and humanity entered the thousand-year period referred to as the Dark Ages. The feudal system controlled secular life, and the keys to spiritual enlightenment were held by the church leaders. A too-free subjective interpretation of the doctrine, or lack of faith in the state religion, resulted in extreme penalties. And with the constant struggle between the church and the individual, the mastery techniques dealing with freedom from need and the science of forces and forms were temporarily lost. The Western mind was kept "in the dark" until the institutional structure began to crack in the 1500s ... and the eternal principles of oneness and unity began to resurface.

In Europe in the 1600s, the Rosicrucian Fraternity surfaced again and became the center of philosophical discussion. Members of this secret society were known to transcend the limitations of the physical world through their spiritual awakening. They taught that within each individual being was the Supreme Secret of the universe, and that by following the Path of Reality, Truth shall be revealed.

Other secret societies based on the teachings of the Greek Mystery Schools also emerged in England, France, and Germany; and in the 1800s, the philosophical movement known as transcendentalism came into full bloom as the beginning of New Thought in America. The writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson played a significant role in advancing the ancient teachings of Truth. He wrote: "Let us stun and astonish the intruding rabble of men and books and institutions by a simple declaration of the divine fact. Bid them take the shoes from off their feet, for God is here within." Emerson, who had studied the Ancient Mysteries, knew that once these eternal Truths are appropriated by mind, we're no longer controlled by fate. We pass into a higher council chamber and a life of sovereignty.

Emerson said, "Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which animates all whom it floats, and you are without effort impelled to truth, to right and a perfect contentment." To him, prayer was not to "effect a private end" but to establish oneness with God in consciousness and then see the miraculous activity of God at work.

The universe is a spiritual system, conceived in the Mind of God as an idea, and automatically projected into manifestation through mental and spiritual laws. Browning said that we should release the "imprisoned splendor," which is the divine pattern within us.

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at

Friday, July 11, 2008

Do you have doubts or fears?

Last night we had a teleseminar with some very special guests and BEing the host I asked questions that to me seemed relevant to what is seemingly going on in today’s world.

All the questions stemmed with things such as gas prices going up, foreclosures with people’s homes, the economy, relationships not doing well, and even the health situation for many of us.

Each speaker spoke how they are handling this supposed “chaos” in their lives using their own techniques, but the one thing I noticed is that all of us spoke about one common aspect and that is to Love ourselves.

Listen whatever doubts and fears you are having right now and it doesn’t matter what they are, the only way you are going face them, go through them, and get pass them is to trust your Self enough, and the best way to trust your Self to get through these times is to first Love your Self unconditionally. I have been there… and I have been through them.

Whatever you desire or require in your Life whether it is financial, emotional or in health it all comes from within you and it will come at the level that you feel worthy of, so that is why it is so critical for you to Love your Self at the highest possible level, because then your high vibration will bring to you the resources, situations and people to have what you deserve.

“BEing The Titus Concept” will guide you to that high vibration of Loving your Self unconditionally.

On the previous night I was interviewed again on 'NOT at NIGHT Radio’ with host Llenar following up a previous interview with her.

This is an e-mail she sent me regarding this 2nd interview:

Al, I thought it was GREAT - so great I FORGOT about your upcoming radio show. I forgot to mention your website where they could get the book. I was so into the conversation I forgot all about it!!!!!


Here is the link for you to listen:

For our best and highest good all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... purchase "BEing The Titus Concept"at