Sunday, November 30, 2008

Flowing Love

Today is my birthday and the day started with a great breakfast with my wife, followed by an amazing show with co-host Sandrabear.

Here is the link for you to listen:

There is a lot of Loving energy flowing during the show, as well with the following endorsements.

"This delightful and succinct book nudges you to remember the wisdom you already possess. The included exercises provide fuel for contemplation, and encourage deeper exploration of your inner self."
Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., author of Exploring Past Lives: Your Soul's Quest for Consciousness.

To me "The Titus Concept" is a way of living with immense gratitude
for what I already have and see around me, things I often overlooked,
didn't see, walked on past without any appreciation. I have found that
since working with the concepts in this book that my life is richer,
more peaceful. I am more able to step outside the fear of lack and
concentrate on the beauty of what I have.

Today it is more important than ever before that we understand we can
change the world we live in, the recent election of President Obama in
the U.S.A has proved that as individuals acting together "Yes, we
can". Imagine a world full of gratitude for what we already have.....

Yes, we can!

Thank you Al, I am so grateful

Jan Blythe

Moving forward towards #1

For OUR best and highest good, all ways... In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Continue the healing and empowerment... get "BEing The Titus Concept" on Friday December 5th.

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